Are you thinking that you might like to purchase a pair of Von Schweikert Audio VR-55 speakers? Please call and we can see about arranging an audition in Parsippany, NJ.
Greg Weaver, writing for the October 2015 issue of The Absolute Sound, writes:
“The VR-55 Aktives have more than just the ability to vanish from the listening room, leaving only the musical experience. They deliver music in the most resolute yet wholly organic manner I have yet heard in a loudspeaker below the $100,000 mark. The VR-55 is a new landmark–the most significant transducer Albert Von Schweikert has debuted since the introduction of the VR-11 in 2004…I have worked with Von Schweikert Audio to trade in my VR-5 Anniversaries and keep the VR-55 Aktives. They are my new references.”
Von Schweikert VR-55 Aktives: $60,000/pair